ITunes Review!
Did you guys enjoy Crazy With You? If you did, please go on to iTunes and leave a review- I’d appreciate it TONS! Thanks!! xoTara
Did you guys enjoy Crazy With You? If you did, please go on to iTunes and leave a review- I’d appreciate it TONS! Thanks!! xoTara
IT’S OFFICIAL! My new single Crazy with you is finally out! You can take a listen to it on itunes below: Thank you so much for all of the support! xo Tara
Check Out Le Edge All Natural Exfoliate. Thanks Le Edge for sending me one, it works so well! A must have! Makes your skin super soft:)
What are you guys Crazy For Or With? #GetReadyForCrazyWithYou Fill In The Blank : )
Hey Everyone! I know that you are all just as excited as I am for the release of my next single Crazy With You! If you haven’t already prepared yourselves for the release of Crazy With You, I have a…
In my marketing meeting this week, I wore some of my favorite bracelets by HailMary Jewelry. I am a huge fan of this brand, and literally cannot go a day without wearing my stack of bracelets! To Shop HailMary Jewelry…
Hey Guys! Here are more photos from my shoot for Crazy With You! I am very estatic for you all to see the video as soon as it comes out!
Last week I shot my video for my upcoming single Crazy With You, and it just so happens that I managed to get in a few behind-the-scenes photos for you guys!
Hey Everyone! Just wanted to give a shout out and thank you all for all the support you’ve given me on my last single Strawberry Moon! If you haven’t seen Strawberry Moon, it can be viewed here. My next single…
Hey Guys! A lot of you guys must be wondering what some of my musical influences are, who inspired me growing up, and what motivated me to follow my true passion. Here is an inside look with ArtsVox!