Tara Macri In Metro News

Hey Guys!

I just wanted to let you all know that I am in the press on the Metro News website about my new single Strawberry Moon!

Check It Out!

Tara Macri inspired by L.A. life for new single Strawberry Moon!


You don’t tell the feisty Tara Macri she isn’t a “10.” She may just hit back at you, with a song.

As the Mississauga-born singer-songwriter and actor explained during a visit to the Metro office, being told she wasn’t a “10” was undying muse for her spirited first single, Strawberry Moon.

“Although I travel a lot for work, my home base is in L.A. now. Having the challenges in the business in L.A. and overcoming the challenges is what Strawberry Moon is all about,” said Macri.

“One of the lyrics in the song is, I am not what you call a ‘10.’ I have had people in L.A. tell me: ‘We can’t get you in the room (for an audition) because you are not a ‘10.’ That was something you remember.”

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